31 Day Blog Challenge starts soon

I found about this program last year, but it was wrong timing for me.  Dad had not long passed away, and I was studying full time, so it was not to be.  This time, it works a treat for me, and I have signed up for this program.
It is not just about creating Blog Posts, but learning more about blogging, increasing readership and with any luck making some money.  I have lots to do.  However, it will set me up for my travels as I intend to blog about my trip as I go.

At the moment my departure date is the end of November.  I have a house sit at Birkdale until November 25th, so it will be some short time after that, all being well, that I set off.  I do intend to be in Adelaide around mid December.  I know, it will be hot.  I am looking for a house sit in Adelaide at that time.

Some days it will be a challenge for me, as I am headed to Melbourne on September 9th, and then Adelaide on September 15th, and then back to Brisbane around the 22nd of September.  Blogging while travelling is ok, but doing the "lessons" will be a challenge.

If you want to know more about the 31 Day Blog Challenge, you can click on the banner to the right.

If any of my readers choose to participate in this, will you let me know please?
