Breastfeeding and Naked Boobs.

A Video popped up on Facebook, with an experiment to see the reaction of people when a woman was breast feeding and another woman showing off her breasts.  I don't know if it was all actor/actresses performing, but people apparently abused the breast feeding woman and were happy to look at the breasts of the other.  You might find the Video here.

Firstly, let me say I approve of breast feeding.  I admit to being a little disapproving of those who go to the trouble of letting everyone see their boobs hanging out - showing off their boobs with clothing that does not cover their breasts.

I would never abuse a woman who was breastfeeding, even if my thoughts were that the mother could be a little more discreet.

Several events that have occurred in my presence in the last year have made me think hard about the issue of breast feeding.  As I said, I believe that a mother is doing her duty by breastfeeding, but I do like the mother to be discreet.  Last year I was attending a meeting and one of the attendees was a mother of a small baby - only weeks old.  She sat opposite the manager of the business, and never gave any thought to his feelings.  He was not rude, but he was most embarrassed as she did nothing to hide her breasts, and in fact let them hang out indiscreetly, from time to time.  He was very upset by it.  He had to look at the ceiling, or to the people either side of her.   Not once did she consider the fellow who was in his 50's, and most uncomfortable.

A few months later, I was at a function where there were both males and females and the woman was breastfeeding a rather other child - perhaps around 12 months.  The mother had the biggest breasts I had every seen, and she slung them around out of her bra!  I nearly fell over - in part because I don't think I have ever seen such big boobs, but she walked around quite happily with them all hanging out.  Now I am not comfortable with that and I know others weren't either.

Over the weekend there was a Free the Nipple Picnic in Brisbane.  The women feel that all women should be free to roam anywhere  - naked at the top, just like men can.  Sorry girls, I don't agree.  Men see breasts as sex objects and I suspect many are "turned" on at the sight of a naked breast - that's  why men buy magazines with naked/semi naked women.

Personally, I think that it is odd that men can go in public with only tiny togs/shorts/pants on and women need to cover up.  My preference would be for neither to go in public with the tops exposed.
Yes, call me unfashioned, but I think we would have  a safer community.

I've been groped by men, while having all my clothes on - can't imagine what life would be like if we all ran around topless.  
